Fri-Yay #5

Holy moly you guys, it has been a week! I’ve got a kid who has been eloping (the fancy name for running away) from school, we’ve been covered in smoke here in the Pacific Northwest, our 10lb dog barfs when there is smoke in the air and has been up 2-3 times a night every night since Sunday, I have not been sleeping because of it, I had a giant mom meltdown that involved a lot of yelling (not at the kids thankfully) on Wednesday, which between that and the smoke has meant I have lost my voice and croak to speak right now. I checked and I don’t think mercury is in retrograde and it is not a full moon, so I am not sure what is going on!

There have been lots of fun things for my Fri-Yay post this week though and I even kept track with a list on my phone so I remember even with all of the crazies!

  • I have managed to get a few minutes to snuggle with the Poodle and read The Hobbit*. I have never read it before but am a huge fan of all of the Lord Of The Rings movies. I bought a copy for the kids to encourage them to read it, and then picked it up myself.
  • We made Poutine this week and it reminded me of this breakfast Poutine recipe that we made earlier this year. It is DELICIOUS and I highly recommend it.
  • I used to get David’s Tea all the time and then fell out of the habit. Recently I was reminded of them after being on the hunt for a good tea steeper and finding a recommendation for the David’s Teas one. I placed another order recently and it came this week. Nothing like a tea delivery to put me in a good mood!
  • I have been inspired to make more of my own clothes recently and finally bought this book* that I have had my eye on since it came out.
  • I found this show on Amazon Prime Video and binge watched it while sewing over the weekend and loved it! I am a not super successful gardener, but do try most years, and now I feel like I know a lot more and am excited to start growing again in the Spring!
  • And finally, a cute fluffy dog photo!

How has your week been? I would love if you share with me your favorite thing from the week in the comments!

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*Links marked with * are affiliate links that I may earn a small commission from at no cost to you in order to help me keep my blog going.

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