WIP Wednesday #11

Happy Wednesday friends! I hope you guys had a lovely Valentine’s Day yesterday. Ours was nice, we spent lots of time together as a family which is always enjoyable.

I’ve mainly been working on hearts all week still! I’ll show you what I’ve been up to.

Here’s all my finished hearts for handing out in classes! I made 54 total for giving away. I also shared the stack of Happy Heart Rice Bag Warmers yesterday that I made this week as well.

I made the pink version of the heart pillow I shared last week. I don’t have any fabric in my stash that looks right for the back of either pillow so I am planning to head out to a fabric store this week. Because there are so many different shades of red and pink in these I think they might be a little hard to find the “perfect” fabric for the back of the pillow. I’m going to take both blocks with me and I’m sure I’ll find something.

I decided I wanted to make some little embroidered necklaces right after Christmas so I ordered a couple kits from Amazon (This one* and this one*). I figured they would be cute gifts, or even cute in some way with The Darlings. Plus I want to add some embroidery projects with The Darlings so I thought this would be perfect practice for anything I decide to do. I picked them up this week and have been working on them in the evenings. I am finding embroidering very soothing and enjoyable right now. And they’re coming out cute! They will get cut out around the oval and placed into little frames that hang on a chain.

This is the one I am currently working on and I have two or three more and then I will load them into their little necklace frames.

I also wrote up and photographed another tutorial to share with you guys tomorrow. The only hint I will give is it is also heart themed!

Did you get time to make this week? What are your current WIP’s? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Making-

B Signature

*Links marked with * are affiliate links that I may earn a small commission from at no cost to you in order to help me keep my blog and free tutorials and patterns going.

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