I’m back today with another version of the Happy Heart Ornament I have been sharing this week! I love sewing with scraps and improvisational piecing is one of my favorite ways to turn otherwise unusable small fragments of fabric into fun and beautiful creations. I especially love when you have held on to precious small bits of a beloved fabric for years and you can make it into something sweet that showcases your cherished pieces. The pink panda and plaid fabrics in that top right ornament are some of my favorites that I have been using up the very last pieces of for years. I love how they came together in this ornament and I will treasure it and enjoy pulling it out for Valentine’s Day every year.
I am going to share a quick tutorial on how I pieced these ornaments today, but if you need help finishing your heart ornament you can click back to the original Happy Heart Ornament Tutorial I posted earlier.
Happy New Year friends! I have to say 2022 wasn’t a bad year by any means, but I am really looking forward to moving into a new year this year. I managed to tweak my back and I think pinch a nerve on Christmas, so we kept it incredibly low key the week after because I kept “ouch”-ing and “eeeeee”-ing every time I moved. So, I did a lot of reading. I picked up a Marianne Williamson* book for the first time, and it was really lovely and I think has gotten me into a “wipe the slate clean” and start the new year with a new attitude and mindset. I hope you had a lovely holiday as well.
Anywho, let’s get back to making, shall we?! I came up with SOOO many ideas will sitting on my bum and I have so much goodness I am excited to share here on the blog this year.
Yes this is Christmas fabric. Yes, we are past Christmas. No, I have not completely finished all of my Christmas gifty projects. And because I have not finished everything, I have a fun tutorial for you I am starting on today with these cute prints. It will be great, and it isn’t technically just for Christmas anyway.
These are also on my work table and also for a tutorial for you I am going to start on as soon as I finish the Christmas fabric one. Do you like the bigger dots on the right more, or the teeny tiny dot fabric on the left with the jelly roll? It will be the background. I would love if you comment below and let me know. I haven’t decided which I prefer yet, but when I was shopping for the fabric it was online so I ordered both so I had options once it arrived. I don’t know about you guys, but yardage of a low volume dot fabric around here never goes to waste!
That’s all I have photos of to share now, but I promise there are many, many more WIP in my mind that I can’t wait to share with you!
What about you guys? Do you have any projects you are super excited to start after the holidays? Are you ready to be done with 2022 like I am? Let me know in the comments below!
*Links marked with * are affiliate links that I may earn a small commission from at no cost to you in order to help me keep my blog going.
Holy moly you guys, it has been a week! I’ve got a kid who has been eloping (the fancy name for running away) from school, we’ve been covered in smoke here in the Pacific Northwest, our 10lb dog barfs when there is smoke in the air and has been up 2-3 times a night every night since Sunday, I have not been sleeping because of it, I had a giant mom meltdown that involved a lot of yelling (not at the kids thankfully) on Wednesday, which between that and the smoke has meant I have lost my voice and croak to speak right now. I checked and I don’t think mercury is in retrograde and it is not a full moon, so I am not sure what is going on!
There have been lots of fun things for my Fri-Yay post this week though and I even kept track with a list on my phone so I remember even with all of the crazies!
I have managed to get a few minutes to snuggle with the Poodle and read The Hobbit*. I have never read it before but am a huge fan of all of the Lord Of The Rings movies. I bought a copy for the kids to encourage them to read it, and then picked it up myself.
We made Poutine this week and it reminded me of this breakfast Poutine recipe that we made earlier this year. It is DELICIOUS and I highly recommend it.
I used to get David’s Tea all the time and then fell out of the habit. Recently I was reminded of them after being on the hunt for a good tea steeper and finding a recommendation for the David’s Teas one. I placed another order recently and it came this week. Nothing like a tea delivery to put me in a good mood!
I have been inspired to make more of my own clothes recently and finally bought this book* that I have had my eye on since it came out.
I found this show on Amazon Prime Video and binge watched it while sewing over the weekend and loved it! I am a not super successful gardener, but do try most years, and now I feel like I know a lot more and am excited to start growing again in the Spring!
And finally, a cute fluffy dog photo!
How has your week been? I would love if you share with me your favorite thing from the week in the comments!
*Links marked with * are affiliate links that I may earn a small commission from at no cost to you in order to help me keep my blog going.
Oh my goodness, it is Friday again! The week goes so quickly with the kiddos in school! Here are my favorites from the week:
I am still on a bread making kick and though I have not gotten my sourdough to come out right yet I decided to make some yeast bread instead while I work on another sourdough starter. It is so yummy, my kids LOVE it (and they are extremely picky). I used the bread recipe from my much loved Little House Living* book (it is one of my all-time favorite and most used books).
I’m still on a Jack Johnson kick! This week’s favorite is Calm Down (can’t we all use that message on repeat in the background?!!)
In making my bread I realized I have one small bread pan and one larger one. And both are not in great shape and kinda rusty on the bottoms. So I went on Amazon to replace at least the little metal and found this gorgeous ceramic light green loaf pan*, which I immediately ordered. I have been on a kitchen clear out recently and have decided when well used things need replacing to replace them with beautiful ones I really love. I really love this one, and I read in the reviews it doubles as a mini casserole pan, which makes me love it more! Of course now I want all the other versions too…
I found out we’re going on a FIELD TRIP for M’s school this month! I know this might not seem that exciting, but with Covid school as a 3rd grader M has only been on one field trip ever, and it was fall 2019 and he was only 5. I am so excited things are going back toward more “normal” around here, even if just a little at a time.
I used to shop at a cute fabric shop down in Country Village when we lived in Bothell (like a million years ago now). Well, the owner of the cute fabric shop happened to walk into my husband’s office recently and said she is selling online only now. They of course chatted because Mr Danger has been a craft-husband for ever, and then I of course got on her website and ordered fabric. This cute order came last week and I can’t wait to sew with it! Look at the adorable ribbon the fabrics are wrapped in, and I got a free spool of thread since I ordered on “Thread Thursday”!
I watched Cooked on Netflix and just soaked up every minute of it. I have recommended it to every one I know this week, and I am recommending it to you now! I’ve never been into food shows, but I have watched several this year now.
My neighbor mentioned he was having a bit of a hard time and I wanted to do something to let him know I was thinking about him but I didn’t know what to do. So I made this gorgeous Apple Galette yesterday and we took it over. I used the recipe in my much loved Food Gift Love* book and it was just delicious (I made one for us as well). It was so good I was on Pinterest looking at other types of Galette recipes this morning because I want to make them all the time now!
Mr Danger and I went over to check out The Green Barn little grocery shop in Lynden this morning. If you are in the area it was a sweet little shop with all kinds of produce and local cheeses and breads and even a Dutch corner filled with fun treats!
And, because I take more pictures of my dogs than my kids, a sleepy poodle snuggling in a bathrobe.
Well, I think that wraps up this week! I didn’t get much sewing done, my time seemed to be mainly spent in the kitchen for my creating this week. But I did THINK about sewing a lot, so that counts! What are your favorites from this week? Leave me a comment and let me know!
*Links marked with a * are affiliate links that I may earn a small commission from at no cost to you in order to help me keep my blog going.