Hi friends! I have been busy, busy making so many stuffie friends offline, but time management has not been my strongest skill recently and I have not managed to work online sharing into my schedule. But today was the last day of school for the year and I am going to add sharing in where school pick up was! I will be at the Homefarm Market this weekend and then the Blaine 4th of July, which will probably be my biggest show of the summer, is in less than two weeks so I am on crazy making mode right now. Plus I am at the Lynden Farmer’s Market nearly every weekend through September. Like I said busy, busy! Here are some of the things I am making this week:
Here are some Large Darlings and Sweater Darlings that just need faces and ribbons. That stack in the front is more Sweater Darlings I sewed today that need to be cut out, turned, stuffed, closed, and faces and ribbons added. Lots to get done!
This is a basket of the Tinies I have finished so far this week. I sell Tinies the most so I like to have lots of them ready to go!
These are more in progress Tinies that I marked face placement with pins. Don’t they look creepy and stabby at this point in the process?!!
And here is a little sneak peek of something I am working on- little beds for the Tinies. I got this prototype done this week but will not have any for sale quite yet. Isn’t the tiny quilt and mattress and pillow adorable though? I can’t wait to get some more done. Maybe by 4th of July? We will have to see.
I’m happy to share a peek into my studio! What are you guys working on right now?
Happy Making-
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Hi friends! I have been hiding in my studio hard at work recently and I thought I would pop in and share what I have been working on! I am signed up for lots of local shows to vend at starting with the Blaine Market By The Sea this Saturday and the Meadows Montessori Spring Fest this Sunday!
I have been expanding on The Darlings and now have lots of sizes and price points and some made using thrifted sweaters and other earth friendly materials.
These guys are made from a cute sweater I found at the thrift store and the backs are all fabrics from my stash.
These are from a yellow thrifted sweater!
These I make using up all the little leftover bits from the sweaters!
I think these are my favorites! I am calling them the “Tinies” and they are cute to wear as a pin on your jacket or make adorable dollhouse friends. This strawberry fabric is so cute!
I loved the Tinies so much I made a ton…..
And these are some house pillows I have started playing around with! I am planning to make some with a pocket for the Tinies.
In other news today is my oldest son’s 12th birthday! Time sure does fly these days.
What about you? What are you making this week?
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Happy Thursday friends! Yes, this is a WIP Wednesday on a Thursday. Yesterday got away from me but I have been getting more projects in this week so I still want to share! I hope you are having a nice week. I think we have finally turned the corner on winter and I am gratefully feeling spring-y.
Not my normal projects this week, I have been on an embroidery kick. Here is what I have been making:
I’ve been staying up way too late working on the way too many embroidery kits I ordered from Amazon a couple weeks ago. I keep catching my thread on the screw of the embroidery hoop and thought to myself “I wonder if they make a hoop without the screw?”. So a quick Amazon search later I found this cool hoop that is basically “catchless”. It arrived this week and I love it! Not only can I basically not catch my thread and mess up my stitching, the hoop itself is thicker than any other embroidery hoop I’ve ever used which makes it way more comfortable to hold in my hand. I haven’t done enough embroidery to know that not all hoops are the same, but apparently they are not! This is the 7″ one*, but I also ordered the smaller 4 3/4″ one as well*. I highly recommend giving them a try if you are into embroidery (which apparently I am now, who knew?!).
This is one of my finished embroidery pieces of the week. I didn’t realize those were blue leaves until I started stitching, I probably would have switched to green if I had realized. But this was a kit so I went with it and I have to say I like how it came out. This is the kit it is from if you are into blue leaves as well*.
Here’s a yellow and pink one I finished this week as well, those are my favorite colors so I enjoyed this one a lot. This was another kit* if you want to make one too.
This is the one in the first image but finished. I really enjoyed the French knots on this one! I’m not entirely sure what I am going to do with these, maybe make some sweet little drawstring bags? That seems like something handy for gift giving to keep on hand. Or pockets on tote bags? Or little pillows? I haven’t decided yet, I’m just happily stitching away. Here’s the link for this kit*. And yes, it is different from the other two kits above, I told you I bought way too many! They were just inexpensive and have everything you need, and embroidering while my kids are around works since I can listen to them and not have to put much brain power into my project. As much as I enjoy thinking about crafting and what I am making, somewhat mindless projects are nice sometimes, too.
I got this one loaded into the hoop this morning so I am ready for more stitching! This one is also in the kit I linked above*.
I am also currently soaking my embroidered necklace fabrics to get the markings off so I can load them into their necklace frames. This looked like some crazy mad scientist experiment to me with all of the jars and mugs and bowl so I took a photo. I can’t wait to share these once I get them finished! These were also from this kit* and this kit* which I am sharing the links for again because they are super cute and fun and quick. Well, quick-ish since I have let them sit for a few weeks and not finishedmbroidery them…..
Wow! That was more than I have managed to get done in like the last three weeks combined. I’m so glad to be getting my crafty mojo back.
What about you? What projects have you been working on this week? I would love if you leave me a comment and let me know!
Happy Making-
*Links marked with * are affiliate links that I may earn a small commission from at no cost to you in order to help me keep my blog and free tutorials going.
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Happy Wednesday creative friends! I hope you are having a wonderful week. I am, I am in a great mood today. With the job change and getting back into a groove I haven’t gotten much making done still, but I am feeling better about life in general than I have in a while. I can’t remember if I have shared it on the blog (and I am feeling too lazy to go read my past posts) but I am definitely impacted by Sad this time every year. We often joke that living in the Pacific Northwest in the winter can feel like living in Mordor. My happy light was missing and I finally broke down and bought a new one (then immediately found the other one) and between that, getting back on a schedule, and the sun showing its beautiful face here a few times in the last couple weeks, I am feeling a bit more like myself again. And I do have a couple things to share!
I think my favorite part about this photo is the poodle in the background. I have actually finished all of the branches and am about halfway through the leaves on this now, but I thought this photo was too cute not to share! See that ball in her paws? She really, really, really wanted me to throw it and couldn’t figure out why I would rather be working on my embroidery project. This is from a kit I bought from Amazon*. I am loving embroidery right now and just enjoying working on improving my skills. Embroidery has never spoken to me before, but it has been loudly yelling my name the last few weeks…
I say I’m not making anything, but I still have been making our bread in my bread machine and other kitchen basics like veggie broth and granola for every one. I am so frequently hard on myself for not getting more done, but I actually do get a lot done in a day if I stop and think about it. I just pulled these homemade burger buns out of the oven. I wish you could smell how good my house smells right now! I did the dough in my bread machine and then shaped them and baked them in the oven (this is the recipe I used). We are going to do boca burgers and homemade fries in the air fryer for dinner tonight, yum! I think next time I might divide the dough into 8 buns rather than 12, some of these came out rather small.
That’s about it friends! But I did spend way too many hours on Pinterest this weekend and I am feeling more inspired than I have in a long while. What about you? What projects are you working on? Leave me a comment and let me know!
Happy Making-
*Links marked with * are affiliate links that I may earn a small commission from at no cost to you in order to help me keep my blog and free tutorials going.
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Hi friends! Life sure seems to moving at a lightning pace right now, I know every post says it, but I can’t believe it is Wednesday again already! Mr Danger has been working as a real estate agent for the last two years but has now gone back to a 9-5 job which started yesterday. We are glad to be on a more consistent schedule again, but we are just working out what the new routine looks like. In that process I haven’t been getting into my studio too much, but I will share the one project I have actually worked on the last few days.
As soon as I went to take a photo of my project Coco jumped up to inspect what I was doing.
She seems to approve of my project though! This is my current WIP. I bought a kit from Kiriki Press recently after seeing a couple in a local shop (you can grab them on Amazon too*). I thought they were so cute and I have been enjoying embroidery so much right now, which means I have been looking for more cute projects to stitch!
My other WIP is I have been cleaning out my studio and studio closet. That project I am not wanting to share a picture of right now though! I think with the schedule change I was feeling like I needed a bit of a clean out myself. I wasn’t planning on cleaning it out, I just sort of started on it and now I need to get it done before I can do anything else in there!
What about you? What are you working on right now? Leave me a comment and let me know!
Happy Making-
*Links marked with * are affiliate links that I may earn a small commission from at no cost to you in order to help me keep my blog and free tutorials going.
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Happy Wednesday friends! I hope you guys had a lovely Valentine’s Day yesterday. Ours was nice, we spent lots of time together as a family which is always enjoyable.
I’ve mainly been working on hearts all week still! I’ll show you what I’ve been up to.
Here’s all my finished hearts for handing out in classes! I made 54 total for giving away. I also shared the stack of Happy Heart Rice Bag Warmers yesterday that I made this week as well.
I made the pink version of the heart pillow I shared last week. I don’t have any fabric in my stash that looks right for the back of either pillow so I am planning to head out to a fabric store this week. Because there are so many different shades of red and pink in these I think they might be a little hard to find the “perfect” fabric for the back of the pillow. I’m going to take both blocks with me and I’m sure I’ll find something.
I decided I wanted to make some little embroidered necklaces right after Christmas so I ordered a couple kits from Amazon (This one* and this one*). I figured they would be cute gifts, or even cute in some way with The Darlings. Plus I want to add some embroidery projects with The Darlings so I thought this would be perfect practice for anything I decide to do. I picked them up this week and have been working on them in the evenings. I am finding embroidering very soothing and enjoyable right now. And they’re coming out cute! They will get cut out around the oval and placed into little frames that hang on a chain.
This is the one I am currently working on and I have two or three more and then I will load them into their little necklace frames.
I also wrote up and photographed another tutorial to share with you guys tomorrow. The only hint I will give is it is also heart themed!
Did you get time to make this week? What are your current WIP’s? Let me know in the comments!
Happy Making-
*Links marked with * are affiliate links that I may earn a small commission from at no cost to you in order to help me keep my blog and free tutorials and patterns going.
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Welcome to WIP Wednesday, the Valentine’s Day edition! Apparently if it does not involve a heart, it is not happening this week! I did post 5 free tutorials and then led making the Happy Heart Ornament at the Bellingham Modern Quilt Guild meeting on Monday evening all in one week, so there are not a ton of new projects to share with you. But I am making as always!
I found a super cute Etsy shop last week and ordered a little kit of 2.5″ squares to make a heart pillow. I decided to take the day and make it yesterday and it turned out so cute! Her little mini charm packs are just adorable and I love how this came out. We are in need of some pillows on our couches and this will be perfect. I used the 2.5″ squares from the kit and then added in fabrics from my stash for the half square triangles so I could do them two at a time. I have the same kit in pink and I think I will start that one this afternoon.
Speaking of hearts….that’s pretty much all I am making right now. I told my kids I would make Happy Heart Ornaments for all of their classmates and teachers for Valentine’s Day, so I am in mass production mode now. Thankfully they are quick and cute, and apparently very photogenic! This was me closing them while watching a movie earlier this week. I thought they looked very adorable on the tray.
These are the ones I have fully finished this morning. This is 28, I decided I will make 50 total for school.
This is my in-progress basket and another 10 sewn, stuffed, and closed and just needing a Pom Pom or a hanger. Also, these are my favorite Karen Kay Buckley scissors* and they have been missing for awhile. Thankfully I found them yesterday! I had put them in a basket full of Christmas fabrics and then stacked more Christmas fabric on top of them. Whoops. My office is only a tiny barely 8’x10′ room that you would have a hard time fitting a twin bed into because it is so small. It makes me absolutely bonkers when I lose something in here since there are only a handful of spots it could be! I am just glad to have found them again and they were put to immediate use on heart making last night.
It has been a good week, I feel like I got a lot accomplished and I always like that feeling. I pulled out my Nespresso machine and started drinking coffee again last week. Obviously with how much I have managed to get done that was one of my best life choices recently! Tomorrow is my birthday too and it is nice to have something fun and out of the ordinary to look forward to. I don’t know about you, but the up for school lunches and breakfasts and trying to get as much done with the kids out of the house and then pick up, and after school activities, dinner, homework, bath, bed schedule in the heart of winter when it is dark and dreary all the time can really wear on me. Actually, it made me tired just to type that! So I am extra grateful to get some fun, love themed projects in this week and have a fun day to look forward to tomorrow.
What about you? What are you working on right now? How do you cope with the middle of winter time, or is it easy for you? Let me know in the comments!
Happy making-
*Links marked with * are affiliate links that I may earn a small commission from at no cost to you in order to help me keep my blog and free tutorials and patterns going.
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Woo! Anyone else feel like things are moving at a million miles an hour right now? The school schedule sure does take up a lot of my time it seems, but I have been managing to get some creating done in between mom duties. Do you want to see what I’ve been up to?
I got all of my Jelly Roll strips made into Rainbow Quilt blocks! I got 13 blocks out of the roll, and apparently the poodle decided I was taking a picture of her and not my design wall of quilt blocks. Its Ok, her bed and harness fit right in with the color scheme.
I took a creative detour after getting the Rainbow blocks done and used all of the chopped corners to make some teeny Half Square Triangles! These are 1.5″ in this photo and will finish at 1″. So tiny!!
I just got my rainbow quilt top sewn together this morning. This was my design wall as I sat down to type this post.
My plan was to make the extra block into a pillow, but I happened to set it on this cute little bed I just found for The Darlings and now I am thinking it might become a tiny bear quilt instead. Also, please ignore my messy cutting table, creativity is not always very organized! I ordered the backing and binding for the full size quilt this morning, with enough extra to make this a mini quilt OR a pillow. I will see how I feel once the fabric arrives!
My friend Mitzi and I went antiquing this weekend and this was my haul. My plan is to turn this all into Darlings accessories!
My Louie The Lovebot pattern has not been available for some time now and I have been getting lots of requests for him to be available again. I started rewriting the pattern last June (*ahem*), but didn’t manage to get him finished until this week. I am getting the pattern typed after I write this post, then I will re test the pattern, and I should have him available again soon! Woohoo! And, he will be FREE!! Even better.
And working on Louie has reminded me Valentine’s Day is coming soon. I started on this heart project and I am excited to share it with you soon!
As I look back over it I got lots of things done, but I definitely was not feeling very accomplished before laying it all out in one post. It is amazing how hard you can be on yourself and your brain tells you that you are not doing very much when you actually are. Or, at least that is how my brain works….
What about you? What have you been working on?
Want more fun, crafty ideas? Sign Up For My Mailing List To Have Creative Ideas Delivered To Your Inbox!
Happy Wednesday friends! You’ve seen most of my WIP for the week with my gift bag tutorial from yesterday. But, since I am a perpetual craftaholic, you know I still have at least a couple more things to share.
I opened the jelly roll I shared last WIP Wednesday and ohmygosh it has me excited to start sewing! Look at all those gorgeous vintage-y colors and prints!! This is my next tutorial project and the plan is I will start working on it tomorrow morning.
I know I haven’t mentioned The Darlings much since my first post, but I am still working on them! This is a little triangle shawl I started on last night. I sure am enjoying accessorizing small critters, it definitely checks all of my “perfect project” boxes.
I have really been enjoying small handwork projects recently. Maybe because I plant my bum on the couch or in my favorite chair and snuggle with fluffy dogs while I work on them? That could have something to do with it. This is a little embroidery project I am starting on, but getting the fabric into the hoop is as far as I have gotten at this point.
And finally, I think this is my biggest project right now, “Wintering.” Mr Danger sent me this since I was complaining that all I want to do is sleep and not go outside and I am not even as excited by knitting and sewing and creating as I normally am. Anyone else relate to this one? January in the Pacific Northwest can be a rough month for me for sure.
What about you? What are you working on? Do you have lots of crafty energy since it is cold and dark outside? Or are you Wintering like I am? Leave me a comment and let me know!
Happy New Year friends! I have to say 2022 wasn’t a bad year by any means, but I am really looking forward to moving into a new year this year. I managed to tweak my back and I think pinch a nerve on Christmas, so we kept it incredibly low key the week after because I kept “ouch”-ing and “eeeeee”-ing every time I moved. So, I did a lot of reading. I picked up a Marianne Williamson* book for the first time, and it was really lovely and I think has gotten me into a “wipe the slate clean” and start the new year with a new attitude and mindset. I hope you had a lovely holiday as well.
Anywho, let’s get back to making, shall we?! I came up with SOOO many ideas will sitting on my bum and I have so much goodness I am excited to share here on the blog this year.
Yes this is Christmas fabric. Yes, we are past Christmas. No, I have not completely finished all of my Christmas gifty projects. And because I have not finished everything, I have a fun tutorial for you I am starting on today with these cute prints. It will be great, and it isn’t technically just for Christmas anyway.
These are also on my work table and also for a tutorial for you I am going to start on as soon as I finish the Christmas fabric one. Do you like the bigger dots on the right more, or the teeny tiny dot fabric on the left with the jelly roll? It will be the background. I would love if you comment below and let me know. I haven’t decided which I prefer yet, but when I was shopping for the fabric it was online so I ordered both so I had options once it arrived. I don’t know about you guys, but yardage of a low volume dot fabric around here never goes to waste!
That’s all I have photos of to share now, but I promise there are many, many more WIP in my mind that I can’t wait to share with you!
What about you guys? Do you have any projects you are super excited to start after the holidays? Are you ready to be done with 2022 like I am? Let me know in the comments below!
*Links marked with * are affiliate links that I may earn a small commission from at no cost to you in order to help me keep my blog going.