Fri-Yay #10

Happy Friday! We are heading into a 3 day weekend for both of my kiddos and I am very excited to have an extra day off. My boys are in two districts, my oldest has special needs and is in a school that supports him in the neighboring city and district. Of course it is totally great for him to be somewhere he is thriving, but most of the time the two district schedules don’t match so I often have one of the boys home and the other still in school. Like Fridays my oldest is out at noon every week and my youngest has a late start on Mondays at least once a month. Anyway I’m rambling, but I am looking forward to an extra day of downtime for everyone this weekend.

It has been a good week. I am very pleased January is at the end, and I have been working on two different free tutorials to share on the blog here, which has definitely helped my mood all week. Here are my favorites from the week:

I know I mentioned on Wednesday that I went antiquing with my friend Mitzi. We also stopped in a yarn store that had a pet axolotl! I was so excited to see it swimming around! My kids love axolotls but I don’t think I had ever seen one in real life before.

I found little chairs for The Darlings at Michaels! I am so excited about these and can’t wait to start taking photos of bear scenes to share with you!!

I mentioned my tiny half square triangles on Wednesday, but I got this cute little pinwheel quilt top sewn up for The Darlings this week! Those HST’s are 1″ finished, and I am now wanting to sew everything tiny. I am just waiting for the backing fabric to arrive and I need to find or make a little bed for this to go on! And more tiny quilts, obviously!

And finally, we always laugh because our dogs don’t like to touch each other. It is not both of them, the poodle, Coco, (the black one) wants to touch every one and every thing all of the time. Juniper (the white one) is very neurotic, standoffish, and highly anxious and doesn’t want any one or any thing to touch her ever, especially Coco. So we always document it when ever we see them snuggling together and actually touching.

I hope you guys have had a lovely week full or creativity and making! Leave me a comment and let me know your favorites from the week!

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