Fri-Yay #6

Happy Friday friends! Wow. Whattaweek. It was already bonkers when I posted Wednesday, and yesterday I went to volunteer in my youngest son’s classroom and within 3 minutes of being there I watched him happily running on break with his friends and then trip and slide his face across the concrete. There was lots of blood and so many tears and he is home from school today since his face swelled up so much his right eye is swollen shut. Holy moly!

That being said, I still have a couple favorites from this bananas week.

  • I have been doing more handwork type projects recently (did you see the little stuffie face on my Wednesday post?) and needed a containment system for outside of my office that is easy to keep away from kids and dogs and also take with me. So when I saw some beautiful Ghana artist made baskets I knew one would work perfectly and even found a pink one! It is working exactly how I wanted and I love it so much.
  • This Peasant Bread recipe is my favorite from all of the bread recipes I’ve been trying recently! I 1.5 times the recipe as noted and bake it in loaf pans and have been making all of our bread. I also have baked them in the pyrex as described, and I just made a batch to do in muffins tins to take as rolls for Thanksgiving (I’m practicing before next week!) Today I saw the focaccia bread version and I think I am going to try it this weekend.
  • I’ve been watching the old Little House On The Prairie series on Prime and enjoying it so much! I had never watched it before and I am loving the 1960’s take on the 1870’s and watching it in 2022, so fun!
    • And finally, a rather grumpy, extra fluffy dog picture for you!

    That’s all I’ve got this week! I am sure hoping next week is a little less crazy and I am looking forward to the 4 day weekend for Thanksgiving. What are your favorites this week? I would love if you share with me in the comments below.

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