Fri-Yay #8

Happy Friday! Wow! We’ve made it through the first week of school for 2023! I feel like this year is going quickly and it is only the 6th…. Here are my first favorites for the new year!

  • I ran out of a good simple black tea over Christmas break and we certainly couldn’t have that. Especially with the kids home and us all locked inside with a big snow storm. So I ordered some PG Tips from Amazon*. Imagine my delight when the tea showed up in a box covered in Corgis!!!
  • I have worked on two different tutorials for you guys this week, which has been so fun! As long as everything goes smoothly (fingers crossed!) I will have the first one posted tomorrow.
  • I found this classic rock playlist on Apple Music and it has been what I have been listening to as I have been back running kids around in the car.
  • I got a bread machine for Christmas*! I pulled it out last week and have been playing around with it. I have made several good loaves from the cookbook that came with it, plus yogurt (that I still need to work on) and strawberry jam. How wonderful is it to get up way too early before the sun is up for school to the smell of freshly baked bread that cooked overnight. Yummo!
  • And, a lot of the week has looked like this, covered in a small dog and a small very shaggy dog. My back is still grumpy with me so I have been spending a lot of time sitting on the couch and reading or doing some hand work like knitting or some stitching. I will share more on that soon!

How about you guys? How has your first week of 2023 been? What projects are you working on? Leave me a comment and let me know!

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*Links marked with * are affiliate links that I may earn a small commission from at no cost to you in order to help me keep my blog going.

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