WIP Wednesday #14

Happy Thursday friends! Yes, this is a WIP Wednesday on a Thursday. Yesterday got away from me but I have been getting more projects in this week so I still want to share! I hope you are having a nice week. I think we have finally turned the corner on winter and I am gratefully feeling spring-y.

Not my normal projects this week, I have been on an embroidery kick. Here is what I have been making:

I’ve been staying up way too late working on the way too many embroidery kits I ordered from Amazon a couple weeks ago. I keep catching my thread on the screw of the embroidery hoop and thought to myself “I wonder if they make a hoop without the screw?”. So a quick Amazon search later I found this cool hoop that is basically “catchless”. It arrived this week and I love it! Not only can I basically not catch my thread and mess up my stitching, the hoop itself is thicker than any other embroidery hoop I’ve ever used which makes it way more comfortable to hold in my hand. I haven’t done enough embroidery to know that not all hoops are the same, but apparently they are not! This is the 7″ one*, but I also ordered the smaller 4 3/4″ one as well*. I highly recommend giving them a try if you are into embroidery (which apparently I am now, who knew?!).

This is one of my finished embroidery pieces of the week. I didn’t realize those were blue leaves until I started stitching, I probably would have switched to green if I had realized. But this was a kit so I went with it and I have to say I like how it came out. This is the kit it is from if you are into blue leaves as well*.

Here’s a yellow and pink one I finished this week as well, those are my favorite colors so I enjoyed this one a lot. This was another kit* if you want to make one too.

This is the one in the first image but finished. I really enjoyed the French knots on this one! I’m not entirely sure what I am going to do with these, maybe make some sweet little drawstring bags? That seems like something handy for gift giving to keep on hand. Or pockets on tote bags? Or little pillows? I haven’t decided yet, I’m just happily stitching away. Here’s the link for this kit*. And yes, it is different from the other two kits above, I told you I bought way too many! They were just inexpensive and have everything you need, and embroidering while my kids are around works since I can listen to them and not have to put much brain power into my project. As much as I enjoy thinking about crafting and what I am making, somewhat mindless projects are nice sometimes, too.

I got this one loaded into the hoop this morning so I am ready for more stitching! This one is also in the kit I linked above*.

I am also currently soaking my embroidered necklace fabrics to get the markings off so I can load them into their necklace frames. This looked like some crazy mad scientist experiment to me with all of the jars and mugs and bowl so I took a photo. I can’t wait to share these once I get them finished! These were also from this kit* and this kit* which I am sharing the links for again because they are super cute and fun and quick. Well, quick-ish since I have let them sit for a few weeks and not finishedmbroidery them…..

Wow! That was more than I have managed to get done in like the last three weeks combined. I’m so glad to be getting my crafty mojo back.

What about you? What projects have you been working on this week? I would love if you leave me a comment and let me know!

Happy Making-

B Signature

*Links marked with * are affiliate links that I may earn a small commission from at no cost to you in order to help me keep my blog and free tutorials going.

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